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Patrick van den Brande

Lieutenant Colonel Patrick van den Brande

ACOS Transformation - Joint Logistics, Belgian Army

I started working in 1988 as a chemical engineer with BASF and later JOTUN/NORPOL. I specialised in polyesters and pultrusion products. Later in the career I switched to the /education of future mechanical/design engineers in Gent and Leuven.

I studied in the mean time construction of buildings and roads, automatization techniques and kept my knowledge of foreign languages up to speed.

Since 2007 I was involved in real estate management and maintenance. The follow-up of building projects was a real good school for understanding real-life planning and finding new ways/solutions to upcoming problems.

When the Army called out for a seasoned/proven royal engineer with the interest in starting up/thinking over the movement of big numbers of troops and materials through Belgium I answered the call and was selected. Since 2021 I study the possibility/difficulties to (re)start/provide the Begian army with having a(gain) capability in railway transport and maintenance.