Lieutenant Colonel Carl-Axel Blomdahl
Head of Weapons & Protection Dep,
Swedish Defence Material Administration, FMV
LtCol Blomdahl is born in 1968. He is married and have four grownup children. He started his career in the Swedish Armed Forces as a conscript in 1988 at the
Göta Engineer Regiment.
He graduated as 2nd Lt in 1991.
LtCol Blomdahl is the Head of Weapons & Protection Departement since 1 of April 2023.
Previous appointments in summary
2021-2023 Deputy Commander of the Swedish EOD and Demining Center
2017-2021 Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of Staff, Defence Staff Swedish Armed Forces HQ
2013-2017 Commanding Officer 21.Engineer Battalion. 2014/2015 Commander of the first Swedish battalion in MINUSMA, MALI
2009-2012 Training Director, Swedish EOD and Demining Center
1991-2008 Positions at Company and Battalion level at Göta Engineers