Rheinmetall Supports German Army In Lithuania With Mobile Combat Training Center
Rheinmetall has successfully tested the technical requirements for interconnected training and exercise operations of the German Bundeswehr involving its forces in Lithuania.
The basis for this was the already established and validated live simulation-technology from the Army Combat Training Center in Letzlingen/ Altmark. The Group carried out a successful test of the data and radio transmission connections between the two countries on behalf of the Bundeswehr with its Mobile Combat Training Center (MCTC) “Legatus”. For this, mobile container solutions were used in Lithuania and in Germany.
The simulation technologies at the MCTC enable a realistic performance of complex deployment scenarios. The aim was to establish and operate a fully comprehensive connection between Germany and Lithuania using state-of-the-art live simulation. The project thereby relied on the resources of the Combat Training Center based on the Reachback-procedure (service / evaluation). The successful test was thus aimed at supporting the forces of the Bundeswehr directly on NATO's eastern flank.
Almost all of the technical functional chains established at the German Army's Combat Training Center, also presenting the artillery and engineer support capabilities, were available for the project carried out in November 2024.
From the individual infantry and vehicle technology (AGDUS) to the operational coordination via troop radio (VHF) and the live situation map within the evaluation center (EXCON) to the input of exercise support options, almost all tests have been completed successfully. For this, it was aimed at simulating the technical solutions for the troops in Lithuania as realistically as possible in order to create ideal training conditions and prepare the German armed forces in the best possible way. The aim of the test was to make the globally unique, high-quality and validated training standard available in Lithuania.
The tested functions were demonstrated for the first time using the so-called Reachback-method, in which the Army Combat Training Center in Letzlingen was connected to the mobile system in Lithuania in real-time via the system.
The Bundeswehr evaluation personnel stationed in Germany were thus able to participate live and interactively in the exercise and prepare the subsequent after-action reviews in parallel. This approach allows an optimum use of the personnel resources already available for conducting and evaluating the exercise.
Thanks to precise real-time analysis and immersive simulation, military users can learn directly from their experiences and continuously improve their tactical capabilities.
“Rheinmetall is helping to ensure that our soldiers are optimally trained for the challenges of today and tomorrow. We are proud of being part of this trial and to be shaping the future of training technology together with our partners. The advantage is that the system technology, already introduced at GefÜbZH, is available on the market and can therefore be deployed quickly to Lithuania,” explains Maik Nienaber, Head of System Technology Networked Training Systems.“The connection test was an important milestone in evaluating how the forces, stationed in Lithuania, can be supported with state-of-the-art live simulation technology in the future. It has to be to create best conditions for the effective training of these forces”.
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