NATO Allies agree on new Key Priorities for the Science for Peace and Security Programme
The NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme promotes dialogue and practical cooperation between NATO Allies and partner countries based on scientific research, technological innovation and knowledge exchange. Allies have recently agreed on a revised list of thematic priorities for the SPS Programme, which will strengthen its alignment with NATO’s strategic outlook and partnership priorities. This update takes into account the impact of scientific and technological progress, which is increasingly pervasive across our societies, at peace and in conflict.
The previous set of SPS Key Priorities was agreed in 2012 and represented the objectives of the Alliance outlined in the 2010 Strategic Concept and in the partnership policy endorsed by NATO Foreign Ministers in Berlin in 2011. Those Priorities have guided SPS activities until now.
But a lot has changed since 2012 for NATO, its partners, and the world as a whole. In 2021, Allies agreed on NATO 2030: a forward-looking agenda aimed at strengthening the Alliance for the challenges of today and tomorrow. A new Strategic Concept was also adopted in 2022, which acknowledged significant changes in the security environment. In addition to themes that are important for NATO’s core tasks, like counter-terrorism and cyber defence, new thematic areas have risen to prominence, including innovation and emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs), climate change and security, resilience, critical undersea infrastructure, and hybrid threats.
Our changed and changing security environment is reflected in an updated set of SPS Key Priorities. “With the Alliance turning 75 this year, it was essential to reflect with Allies on how the SPS Programme can continue to foster timely and impactful technological innovation to address emerging security challenges. These Key Priorities ensure the continued relevance of the Programme to NATO’s renewed focus and strategic outlook”, stated Dr Claudio Palestini, Head of the SPS Programme.
The revised SPS Key Priorities will inform upcoming calls for proposals issued by the SPS Programme, starting from April 2024.